4 Easy Self-Care Ideas for Busy Mums

Best Parenting Tips

As mums, we often live a life in motion, and while it can be a beautiful thing, it can also be pretty exhausting. We wouldn’t trade our lives for the world, but even the most wonderful path through motherhood still needs a break every once in a while. Being a mum doesn’t always leave us with a lot of free time, of course, but there are still quite a few ways for us to practice self-care. Let’s take a look at a few of them!

Treat Yourself to Adult Bathtime

When you become a mum, bathtime can take on a whole new meaning. Suddenly, it becomes a time for squirming and fussing, laughter and smiles–and even the occasional accident. This is why it is so good to unwind occasionally with a bath of your own. No rubber ducks, no splashing, just a soothing bath. You can even include a bath bomb to enjoy some aromatherapy- check out my favs here from Lively Living! (use the discount code: Mchiller)


Explore Low-Commitment Media

Motherhood doesn’t always make it easy to stay up to date on the latest trends. After all, who really has hours each week to watch new movies, read an entire book, or catch up on popular TV shows? For many mums, the time commitment that comes with media is simply too much–but it doesn’t have to be.

Low-commitment media is a growing trend, and it is one that all kinds of people benefit from. You can read serialised fiction with short chapters that only take a few minutes to read on platforms like Kindle Vella, or listen to short and sweet podcast episodes to enjoy a complete media experience while you clean up or pump milk. Mums can really benefit from entertainment in convenient and short packages, bringing a little extra fun to our downtime.

Enjoy a Special Snack

It isn’t a secret that mums often end up with a huge diet shift when they have kids. Suddenly, our pantry is full of animal crackers and other child-friendly snacks. This is why it can be so nice to privately savor a little treat of our own. From luxury chocolate bars to your favorite bag of spicy chips, hiding away a snack can help you to get your blood sugar up and enjoy a private moment too.

Romanticize Your Life

Being a mum isn’t always full of glitz and glamour. Sometimes it feels like it is only messy diapers and spilled milk! Still, motherhood comes with so many beautiful moments, and something amazing happens when we focus on those beautiful moments–we fall in love with our life and our journey. Sometimes, the only uplifting force you need is to remember the beauty in your own life.

How to Romanticize Your Life as a Mum:

  • Participate in photoshoots with a family photographer to capture those precious moments
  • Listen to uplifting and pleasant background music throughout the day
  • Remember that some moments aren’t a disaster–they are just silly
  • Document your journey and write down your accomplishments
  • Sing, laugh, and play
  • Remind yourself that, sometimes, the chores really can wait

To End…

Us Mums are some of the hardest workers in the world, and it is easy for us to get swept up in simply tackling one project after another. It is up to us to resist this. Remember, your children will model your behavior, so show them what a healthy and balanced life looks like–one that is full of hard work, commitment, love, and caring for yourself too.

To capture your beautiful family at every stage of life, you want to work with a Melbourne photographer who can help you to romanticize every moment. Visit my family sessions page here to learn how I can help you preserve the true beauty of each special memory!


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